
10 cărți pentru Crăciun și Sărbătorile de Iarnă de la Editura Casa


– cărți pentru copii mici, cărți pentru bebeluși, cărți cartonate, cărți cu decupaje, cărți ilustrate, serii superbe de la Editura Casa pentru copii între 1 și 7 ani – 


Primiți cu ultimele recomandări de cărți pentru Crăciun și Sărbătorile de iarnă? Las mai jos 10 titluri de la Editura Casa (am ales și cărți pentru copii mici, sub 2 ani, dar și cărți pentru copilașii mai mari, de până la 7 ani) perfecte pentru a fi citite de-a lungul acestei ierni, care vorbesc despre Crăciun, obiceiuri de sărbători, tradiții de familie, celebrarea Crăciunului în lumea întreagă, Moș Crăciun, Moș Nicolae, Calendarul Advent, donații și bunătate. Sunt perfecte pentru a fi oferite drept cadou 1 an, cadou 2 ani, cadou 3 ani – și sigur se vor transforma în amintiri prețioase dacă le includeți în rutina voastră de seară cu cei mici.

Marele reminder: până pe 21 decembrie avem 20% OFF la Editura Casa folosind codul meu de extra-reducere SUNNY, aplicabil la cărțile lor pentru copii. Este ultima activare a acestui cod pe acest an, așa că vă sfătuiesc să profitați de el.

1. Ce facem de Crăciun?

O carte proaspătă din seria ”De ce? De ce? De ce?”, ”Ce facem de Crăciun?” este potrivită pentru 2-4 ani și le povestește celor mici despre tradițiile și obiceiurile din jurul acestei sărbători de iarnă. Frumoase ilustrații, frumoase explicații despre Advent, cadouri, prăjiturit alături de familie, bunătate. Ca de obicei, recomand din inimă această serie pentru clapetele de pe fiecare pagină, sunt primul lucru pe care Mircea încă vrea să îl facă atunci când primește o nouă carte ”De ce? De ce? De ce?”: ia absolut fiecare clapetă la investigat, o desface, cercetează ce este înăuntru, până termină cartea din scoarță în scoarță.

2. Conni pregătește cadouri de Crăciun.

O noutate de la Editura Casa și una dintre cele mai frumoase cărți cu Conni pe care le-am citit (poate că știți deja, suntem mari faini ai lui Conni de mai bine de 3 ani). Am și devorat-o de cum a ajuns, ”Conni pregătește cadouri de Crăciun” este o poveste faină cu draga de Conni care meșterește cadouri craft pentru fiecare membru al familiei sale. Cam cum ne face Mircea anul acesta, cică eu primesc un colier, sper doar să nu conțină râme și lăcuste, cum l-am auzit într-o seară că-și făcea planuri. Cartea poate fi un bun punct de plecare dacă vreți să pregătiți, alături de cei mici, cadouri pentru vizitele la rude, sau dacă plănuiți niște seri în care să meșteriți decorațiuni pentru brad.

3. Sărbătoarea Crăciunului.

”Sărbătoarea Crăciunului” este tot din seria ”De ce? De ce? De ce?”, dar pentru copii mai mari (4-7 ani) – în cazul în care nu ați intrat până acum în contact cu cărțile din această serie, cele pentru 2-4 ani sunt mai mici, mai potrivite de ținut și manevrat de mânuțe de toddleri, pe când cele pentru 4-7 ani sunt într-un format mai mare, mai complex, cu mai mult text, mai multe detalii și explicații ceva mai detaliate. Cu povești despre Sfântul Nicolae, aspectele religioase ale sărbătorii, ideea de Advent, donații și felul în care se sărbătorește Crăciunul prin toată lumea, ”Sărbătoarea Crăciunului” este perfectă pentru toate acele întrebări mari care apar pe buzele celor mici odată ce se apropie Crăciunul. Mie mi-au plăcut în mod special pagina despre cum se sărbătorește Ajunul și cea în cu povești despre cum se celebrează Crăciunul în lumea întreagă.

4. Alva și Moș Crăciun.

O avem de anul trecut și cred că încă este una dintre cărțile mele preferate de citit în luna decembrie. ”Alva și Moș Crăciun” este o mică bijuterie minunat ilustrată despre o familie cu 3 copii și felul în care își petrec fiecare zi de Advent împreună. De aici din carte ne-a venit ideea să montăm și decorăm o căsuță de Turtă Dulce anul trecut, tot de aici Mircea a luat ideea de a merge la târgurile de Crăciun și de a-i scrie lui Moș Crăciun. Știu, știu, e multă dezbatere pe aici în ultime vreme despre ce le povestim copiilor despre Moș, eu vă zic doar atât: we can all live in peave, fiecare familie își poate construi propriile tradiții de Crăciun și toate pot fi minunate atâta timp cât nu le asociem cu pedepse, vinovăție și șantaj emoțional.

Noi mereu i-am spus lui Mircea că Moș Crăciun există (pentru că el chiar există, în inimile noastre), și că el vine la toți copiii (nu doar la cei cuminți), iar când va fi suficient de mare, vom face încet tranziția către a-i spune că Moș Crăciun locuiește în fiecare dintre noi și că noi toți suntem Moș Crăciun. Nu e singurul mod în care puteți aborda Crăciunul, do what works for you.

5. Povestea Crăciunului.

Dacă sunteți în căutarea unei cărți care să abordeze Crăciunul din perspectiva religioasă, biblică, cei de la Editura Casa au scos și o carte numită ”Povestea Crăciunului”, de Lackli Janos. Noi nu suntem o familie religioasă, însă avem mereu mult respect, curiozitate și deschidere față de religiile din jurul nostru, așa că ne-a plăcut să avem la dispoziție și această carte pentru a-i prezenta lui Mircea povestea nașterii lui Iisus Hristos. Îm place că Lackli Janos inserează tot felul de elemente jucăușe în text, transformând cititul într-o plăcere, cu tot felul de comparații și explicații foarte simpatice pentru copii. ,,Când într-o familie se naște un bebeluș, atunci toată lumea se învârte în jurul lui, toți doresc să îl vadă, să îl legene, să îl distreze. Cu alte cuvine, cel mai mic dintre toți, devine dintr-o dată cel mai important. Tocmai acest lucru ne impresionează cel mai tare la sărbătoarea Crăciunului, faptul că o ființă mititică culcată într-o iesle ajunge noul împărat al lumii.” Apropo, la Editura Casa există și o astfel de variantă pentru Paște, scrisă de același autor, noi le avem pe amândouă.

Marele reminder: până pe 21 decembrie avem 20% OFF la Editura Casa folosind codul meu de extra-reducere SUNNY, aplicabil la cărțile lor pentru copii. Este ultima activare a acestui cod pe acest an, așa că vă sfătuiesc să profitați de el.

6. Crăciun Fericit, animăluțe drăgălașe!

Hai că avem pe aici și o carte pentru Zeni, adică bună pentru copilașii mici, sub 2 ani. ”Crăciun Fericit, animăluțe drăgălașe!” este o carte mică, cartonată, cu decupaje interesante pentru micuți (fiecare pagină are o steluță decupată prin care ei își pot băga degetele sau îi pot molfăi colțurile). Cartea este despre un raton simpatic care oferă cadouri tuturor animalelor din pădure: un morcov pentru vulpiță, turtă dulce pentru veverițe, un glob pentru iepuraș, fursecuri pentru urs. Cu ilustrații frumoase, text scurt pe fiecare pagină și rime, mi se pare foarte potrivită drept o primă lectură pentru cei foarte mici.

7. Hoinari prin Anotimpuri – iarna.

Dacă aveți acasă un copil de peste un an, vă rog mult să intrați în cârdășie cu noi, restul mamelor hoinare, și să îi cumpărați seria care vă va schimba viața – adică ”Hoinari prin anotimpuri”. Le numesc cărți pentru observație și atenție – sunt acele cărți cartonate care au text foarte puțin (sau deloc) însă care, pe fiecare pagină, au ilustrații extrem de detaliate, cu zeci și zeci de lucruri interesante de descoperit. Mircea își petrecea minute în șir pe fiecare pagină, arătând cu degetul, știam deja toate personajele, unde se duce fiecare, unde locuiește unul, unde merge la muncă celălalt. Iar Zeni îi calcă pe urme glorios și arată și ea cu degetul, curioasă, spre fiecare personaj, întrebând curioasă: ”Ăăă? ĂĂĂ?!?” Cartea cu ”Iarna” din această serie este spectaculoasă, are atâtea detalii, povești, atâtea familii și case prezentate, atâtea personaje pe care le poți urmări de-a lungul paginilor, atâtea decoruri și tradiții prezentate, este o reală plăcere să o explorezi.

8. Caută și găsește – Sărbătoarea Crăciunului.

Mai mult decât Hoinarii, mie îmi place seria ”Caută și găsește” de la Editura Casa – în acest moment, ei au 11 cărți mari și mici al căror principiu este simplu: fiecare pagină are mai multe imagini pe care cei mici trebuie să le descopere apoi în ilustrația principală, ceea ce le face foarte captivante, foarte catchy pentru copii. În plus, sunt o modalitate bună de a le îmbunătăți vocabularul – mă rog, și lor, dar și nouă, adulților: din ”Marea mea carte Caută și Găsește – În Pădure” am învățat alături de Mircea cum arată un pârș de pădure, un mugurar, o năpârcă sau un scorțar. Habar nu aveam, dar acum, ehehei, cine le știe? Noi! Dar, ca să rămânem în zona de Crăciun, vă recomand cu drag ”Caută și găsește – Cum sărbătorim Crăciunul?” , o carte pentru copii peste 2 ani, cu detalii despre târgurile de Crăciun, activitățile de decembrie la grădiniță, orașul decorat cu ghirlande și luminițe, pregătirea cadourilor sau prepararea turtei dulci și a biscuiților de Crăciun alături de cei dragi.

9. Leo și Leopold sărbătoresc Crăciunul la grădiniță.

O carte din seria ”Chiț Chiț citește” de la Editura Casa, ”Leo și Leopold sărbătoresc Crăciunul la grădiniță” povestește despre obiceiurile și activitățile pe care cei mici le fac în colectivitate, în luna decembrie, ca pregătire pentru Sărbătorile de iarnă. Cartea povestește despre Moș Nicolae, despre crearea decorațiunilor de Crăciun, pregătirea serbării de Crăciun, primirea cadourilor și tooot felul de mici conflicte care apar între copii în această perioadă.

10. Colecția Escape Room.

Închei această listă de recomandări cu niște cărți noi-nouțe în palmaresul celor de la Editura Casa, potrivite pentru copiii mai mari (vârsta recomandată este de peste 9 ani), dar care mie mi-au atras atenția pentru cât de inedit sunt construite (și lui Dorin, el le-a găsit primul în coletul de la Editura Casa și le-a sustras repede). Sunt cărți de tip Escape Room, bazate pe un concept de succes al Evei Eich, adică un fel de jocuri de evadare sub formă de carte. Fiecare capitol ascunde o enigmă pe care, dacă o rezolvi, poți ”debloca” următoarele pagini (dada, paginile duble chiar sunt sigilate și pot fi desfăcute doar dacă ai reușit să rezolvi misterul din capitolul anterior).

Noi avem ”Agresorul lui Moș Crăciun” și ”Cele trei cadouri misterioase” (care sunt în zona sărbătorilor de iarnă) și ”Evadare din Conacul Bântuit” – clar nu sunt pentru vârsta lui Mircea, dar recunosc că el o frunzărește pe cea cu conacul bântuit, îi plac genul acesta de povești și citim unele fragmente, cele pe care eu le consider potrivite pentru 4 ani. O să păstrez una dintre ele, pe restul le fac cadou verișorilor mai mari, ei sigur o să înnebunească de plăcere, cărțile escape-room sunt spectaculoase și pline de intrigă, enigmă și mister.

Marele reminder: până pe 21 decembrie avem 20% OFF la Editura Casa folosind codul meu de extra-reducere SUNNY, aplicabil la cărțile lor pentru copii. Este ultima activare a acestui cod pe acest an, așa că vă sfătuiesc să profitați de el.

Aici vă las un articol mai vechi, tot cu recomandări de la Editura Casa, potrivite pentru copii de 1-5 ani.

Și aici un Reel cu recomandări de cărți pentru Crăciun, dacă vreți să vă pregătiți de pe acum și să luați la reducere mai multe titluri cu ajutorul cuponului sunny.

Iar dacă aveți orice întrebare despre cărțile de la Editura Casa, vă rog să-mi scrieți, noi le iubim atât de mult încât mereu am vrut să le facem cât mai cunoscute!

*** Acest articol a fost realizat în parteneriat cu Editura Casa, o afacere românească pe care eu o apreciez mult pentru cărțile de copii pe care le publică. Textul de mai sus reprezintă, ca întotdeauna, părerea mea sinceră și autentică despre cărțile menționate (pe unele dintre ele le-am primit, pe altele le-am cumpărat noi) și pe care le-am tot citit, pentru ca eu să pot scrie despre ele cât mai pertinent pentru voi. 




  1. Держите Ляха

    Коррупционер из ЦБ использует «левый» фонд для захвата чужих активов
    Приморский районный суд Санкт-Петербурга рассматривает помимо уголовного дела, связываемого с компаниями «Лайф-из-Гуд», «Гермес» и кооперативом «Бест Вей», гражданское дело по иску Прокуратуры Санкт-Петербурга о признании кооператива «Бест Вей» незаконным на основании экзотической ст. 1065 ГК. Обычно по этой статье запрещают деятельность компаний-«отравителей»: например, в продукции которых обнаружена кишечная палочка, или деятельность казино.

    Впервые прокуратура пытается применить статью к организации на том основании, что та была включена в Список компаний с выявленными признаками нелегальной деятельности на финансовом рынке (предупредительный список) ЦБ, причем включена даже без камеральной проверки деятельности кооператива, на основе неких сигналов– на самом деле в заказном порядке: решение принимал тогдашний глава департамента противодействия недобросовестным практикам ЦБ Валерий Лях (департамент этот, давно замеченный в незаконных наездах на бизнес, сейчас, к чести руководства ЦБ, ликвидирован).

    При этом первоначально суд складывался не в пользу прокуратуры. На первом же заседании суд отказался рассматривать иск как удивительный, так как он был в пользу неопределенного круга лиц, но есть реальные пайщики, и никто из них не обратился в гражданский суд с претензиями к кооперативу. Только суд апелляционной инстанции – Санкт-Петербургский городской суд – заставил Приморский районный суд его все-таки рассматривать. При этом горсуд предписал учесть интересы пайщиков. Несколько месяцев прокуратура никак не могла сформулировать исковые требования, потом суд намеревался провести судебную экспертизу кооператива – запросил об этом ряд экспертных организаций, они согласились.

    Но на новом после долгого перерыва заседании 30 октября как отрезало: суд отказался проводить судебную экспертизу, отказался привлекать в дело пайщиков кооператива, отказался допрашивать тех несколько человек, которые заявили претензии к кооперативу в уголовном суде – притом, что оценку их претензиям уголовный суд еще не дал: до завершения уголовного разбирательства еще полгода минимум. Отказался также приостановить процесс до завершения уголовного, хотя только уголовный суд может ответить на вопрос, является ли кооператив финансовой пирамидой или нет. Возможно, 7 ноября состоится финальное заседание суда первой инстанции и будет принято решение по иску.

    Дело в том, что невнятная позиция прокуратуры, которая на определенном этапе сбросила дело фактически на районное звено, сменилась беспрецедентным давлением на районный суд со стороны руководителей прокурорского органа субъекта Федерации. Только при общественном внимании к ситуации суд сможет его выдержать.

    А внятной позиция прокуратуры стала после того, как появился лоббист, нарисовавший руководителям Прокуратуры Санкт-Петербурга «дорожную карту», – этот лоббист Валерий Лях, у которого с августа появился инструмент для захвата кооператива.

    Фонд захвата чужих активов
    Нужно раскрыть структуру, которая кровно заинтересована в «осуждении» кооператива – чтобы забрать его активы в управление. Это Федеральный (общественно-государственный) фонд по защите прав вкладчиков и акционеров.

    Мутнейшая структура, созданная по указу Ельцина в «алкогольный» его период и по непонятным причинам не ликвидированная во время наведения порядка в финансовой сфере в начале 2000-х годов, но при этом давным-давно лишенная государственного финансирования. Она живет на активы, которые ей удается правдами и неправдами захватить.

    Возглавлял фонд на протяжении всей его истории до августа с.г. некто Сафиуллин, бывший минфиновский чиновник. Фонд, незаконно работая как СМИ, публиковал лживые материалы о кооперативе на своем сайте. Достоверно известно, что он был инициатором проверок кооператива правоохранительными органами в 2020–2021 годах – ничего незаконного не было выявлено.

    Однако в этом году, отвечая на запрос одного из медиа, фонд заявлял, что не собирается брать под управление активы кооператива в случае признания его незаконным – так как для этого нет юридических оснований (юридические основания, заметим от себя, можно создать – было бы желание). При этом фонд признавал, что, забирая активы в управление, он выплачивает всем вкладчикам не более 35 тыс. рублей, кроме ветеранов войны, которым платит чуть больше.

    И вот в августе этого года с фондом происходит метаморфоза – его главой становится Валерий Лях, уже несколько месяцев как уволенный из ЦБ и, насколько известно, уезжавший из России с началом СВО в теплые страны: по крайней мере именно на этом основании он отказался прийти на заседание суда по уголовному делу, куда приглашался как свидетель для пояснений факта внесения кооператива в предупредительный список ЦБ. Его департамент был со скандалом закрыт Набиуллиной, так как шлейф заказухи в отношении финансовых организаций тянулся за ним давно. Ляха уволили из ЦБ.

    В августе Лях вернулся в Россию и возглавил Фонд по защите прав вкладчиков, сместив Сафиуллина. В суд для дачи пояснений по репрессиям ЦБ против «Бест Вей» при этом так и не явился.

    Ляха–к ответу
    Лях задумывал маневр с захватом крупнейшего российского кооператива с 4 млрд рублей на счетах и квартирами на 12 млрд рублей, еще работая в ЦБ. Он включил кооператив в предупредительный список именно для того, чтобы взять потом активы под свое управление в Фонде защиты прав вкладчиков – кстати, протокольного решения о включении в этот список в ЦБ не оказалось, потому что решение о включении в список принимал лично Лях.

    Лично Лях направил также письмо в Генеральную прокуратуру и Роскомнадзор для блокировки официального сайта кооператива, что никак не вытекало из включения в предупредительный список и было сделано для того, чтобы обрушить деятельность этого кооператива, работающего во всероссийском масштабе прежде всего с помощью сайта (кооператив позднее сделал новый сайт – вне зоны контроля Роскомнадзора – и работу полностью восстановил).

    И теперь Лях пытается отобрать кооператив у пайщиков через липовый Фонд защиты вкладчиков, оказывая давление на ведомство Краснова, суды. Он является виновником того, что десять подсудимых лишены свободы. По его вине многие люди, готовые идти на СВО, боятся это делать, чтобы не лишиться квартиры, пока будут воевать.
    Несомненно, лично Лях получит иски от 20 тыс. пайщиков кооператива и от десяти подсудимых.

    Но возникает вопрос, как Администрация президента России и ее руководители Вайно и Кириенко относятся к тому, что чиновник-предатель, коррупционер Лях, бежавший из страны в начале войны, вдруг возглавляет одну из общественно-государственных структур? Кстати, в России ли он при этом? Или, как и раньше, в теплых недружественных странах?

    Как Минфин и его глава Силуанов относится к тому, что работает некая организация с непонятным статусом, незаконно захватывающая активы? Легальных государственных структур для решения государственных задач недостаточно?

    Как руководство ЦБ и лично Набиуллина относятся к тому, что от его имени действовал коррупционер – и его коррупционная схема теперь вскрыта?

    Как генеральный прокурор Краснов относится к использованию Прокуратурой Санкт-Петербурга своих полномочий для грязных дел в интересах лоббистов? И способна ли прокуратура заставить Ляха все-таки прийти в уголовный суд для дачи свидетельских показаний и участия в перекрестном допросе?

    Наконец, как Следком России и его глава Бастрыкин относятся к происходящему на наших глазах преступлению уровня его центрального аппарата?

    Пайщики кооператива и общество требуют ответа со стороны всех этих структур.

  2. „Ethena: The Next Generation of Decentralized Finance”
    The decentralized finance (DeFi) sector has seen explosive growth in recent years, and Ethena is leading the charge toward a more accessible and secure financial ecosystem. Built on blockchain technology, Ethena offers a wide range of decentralized financial services, including staking, lending, borrowing, and yield farming.
    What is Ethena?
    Ethena is a decentralized platform that allows users to interact with financial products without the need for traditional intermediaries like banks. By leveraging blockchain technology, Ethena offers full transparency, enhanced security, and greater control over digital assets. Whether you’re a seasoned crypto investor or new to the space, Ethena provides all the tools needed to take part in the DeFi revolution.

    Key Features of Ethena:
    Decentralization: With Ethena, there’s no middleman. Users have complete control over their assets and financial decisions, making the platform transparent and trustless.

    Security: Ethena prioritizes security by using robust blockchain protocols to safeguard users’ funds and data.

    Yield Optimization: The platform offers optimized opportunities for yield farming, allowing users to maximize returns on their digital assets.

    Governance with Ethena Fi: Holders of Ethena Fi, the platform’s native token, can vote on crucial protocol changes, making Ethena a truly community-driven platform.

    Why Choose Ethena?
    As DeFi continues to disrupt traditional finance, Ethena stands out with its user-centric features and commitment to security. For anyone looking to explore the future of finance, Ethena provides an easy and secure gateway into the world of decentralized finance.

  3. Howdy! I know this is somewhat off-topic however I had to ask. Does running a well-established blog such as yours take a massive amount work? I’m brand new to running a blog however I do write in my journal daily. I’d like to start a blog so I can easily share my personal experience and views online. Please let me know if you have any recommendations or tips for new aspiring bloggers. Appreciate it!


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  5. Откачка канализации в Слуцке, круглосуточно.
    Не откладывайте проблему с канализацией в Слуцке, по выгодной цене.
    Забудьте о проблемах с канализацией в Слуцке, со скидкой.
    Откачка канализации в Слуцке: качественно и надежно, по выгодным условиям.
    Откачка канализации в Слуцке: вызовите профессионалов, по доступной цене.
    Эффективная откачка канализации в Слуцке, по доступным ценам.
    Закажите откачку канализации в Слуцке у профессионалов, по выгодной стоимости.
    Профессиональная откачка канализации в Слуцке: надежно и оперативно, с гарантией качества.
    Эффективная откачка канализации в Слуцке, по доступной цене.
    откачка туалетов Слуцк откачка канализации Слуцк .

  6. Introducing the Zircuit Token System
    The Zircuit token, a pivotal element in the blockchain landscape, plays a crucial role in enabling efficient transactions and offering enhanced security. Designed for seamless integration into various platforms, it aims to revolutionize the way digital currencies are perceived and utilized.
    zircuit funding
    Key Advantages of the Zircuit Token
    Enhanced Security: Security is a core benefit of utilizing the Zircuit token. By employing advanced cryptographic techniques, it ensures that transactions are secure, safeguarding user data and funds from potential threats.
    Scalable Transactions: Zircuit token is engineered for scalability, allowing for a large number of transactions per second. This capability promises efficiency even as user numbers grow, ensuring smooth operations across digital platforms.
    Low Transaction Fees: One of the significant advantages of using the Zircuit token is the cost-effectiveness of its transactions. It boasts lower fees compared to traditional financial systems, making it an attractive option for users.
    Implementing Zircuit Tokens in Everyday Use
    The implementation of Zircuit tokens into daily transactions is designed to be straightforward. Users can manage their tokens seamlessly through dedicated wallets that offer user-friendly interfaces and robust security. Thanks to its decentralized nature, it enables trustless interactions, where intermediaries are reduced, thereby minimizing costs and enhancing speed.

    Furthermore, Zircuit tokens offer compatibility with various platforms, allowing users to transact with ease across a plethora of services. This flexibility is crucial for both individuals and businesses looking to integrate blockchain technology into their operations.

    In conclusion, the Zircuit token stands as a testament to the evolving nature of digital currencies, offering a secure, scalable, and cost-effective solution for modern financial transactions. As adoption continues to grow, the robustness of the Zircuit token system is likely to play a critical role in shaping the future of digital exchanges.

  7. Welcome to Vertex Protocol: Revolutionizing DeFi Trading
    Discover the revolutionary Vertex Protocol, your gateway to the world of decentralized finance (DeFi) trading. As the crypto landscape rapidly evolves, Vertex Protocol stands at the forefront, providing users with unparalleled seamless trading experiences and enhanced liquidity access.
    vertex protocol trading
    What Makes Vertex Protocol Stand Out?
    Vertex Protocol is more than just a trading platform. It is a designed to empower you with:

    Intuitive User Interface: Navigate the complex world of crypto with ease and efficiency.
    Advanced Security: Enjoy peace of mind with industry-leading security protocols and safeguarding of your assets.
    High Liquidity: Access deep liquidity pools to execute large trades with minimal slippage.
    Diverse Asset Options: Explore a wide array of cryptocurrencies and tokens.
    Unlock Potential with Vertex’s Features
    Leverage the full potential of Vertex Protocol with these standout features:

    Decentralized: Trustless and Secure
    Trading on Vertex ensures transparency and autonomy, free from third-party control, making it a trustless and secure choice for crypto enthusiasts.

    Efficient Trading Engine
    Benefit from fast, efficient trade execution supported by state-of-the-art technology that maximizes your trading efficiency.

    Community Governance
    Be a part of a community-driven , allowing you to have a say in the protocol’s future developments.

    Getting Started with Vertex Protocol
    Embarking on your DeFi journey with Vertex is straightforward. To get started:

    Sign up and create your account.
    Securely connect your wallet.
    Begin trading and explore diverse assets and liquidity options.
    Whether you are a seasoned trader or new to the crypto scene, Vertex Protocol offers the tools and resources you need to succeed.

    Join the Vertex Community
    Participate in webinars, discussions, and forums to stay informed and connected. The vibrant awaits, offering support and insights to enhance your trading journey.

    In conclusion, Vertex Protocol is your ideal partner in navigating the dynamic world of decentralized finance. Start today and experience the future of trading.

  8. Carrie Underwood slated to perform at Trump’s inauguration
    kraken marketplace
    Country music star Carrie Underwood is slated to perform “America the Beautiful” at President-elect Donald Trump’s inauguration, according to a copy of the program obtained by CNN and confirmed by a spokesperson for the inaugural committee.

    “I love our country and am honored to have been asked to sing at the Inauguration and to be a small part of this historic event,” Underwood said in a statement to CNN. “I am humbled to answer the call at a time when we must all come together in the spirit of unity and looking to the future.”

    The presidential oath of office will be administered by Supreme Court Chief Justice John Roberts with Justice Brett Kavanaugh expected to administer the oath of office to Vice President-elect JD Vance.

    Trump’s inauguration as the 47th president of the United States will take place on January 20 at the US Capitol.

    Underwood is a big get for Trump’s inauguration, considering Hollywood’s Trump blackout over the course of his political career.

    In his first term and throughout the past three elections, Trump has struggled to garner support from major Hollywood stars. At the Republican National Convention last year, the two biggest stars onstage with Trump were musician Kid Rock and retired WWE wrestler Hulk Hogan – a far cry from a superstar at the height of their career, like Underwood.

    The Grammy-winning artist is as high-profile as you can get in country music, not only with numerous platinum hits, but also with public-facing, mainstream business associations. Underwood is the face of Sunday Night Football and is set to make her debut this March as a judge on ABC’s “American Idol” – the singing competition show that catapulted her to fame when she won in 2005.

    While many NFL fans will likely applaud Underwood for singing at the inauguration, any time a celebrity aligns themselves with Trump, they run the risk of alienating left-leaning fans and Hollywood allies.

    Underwood has kept her politics under wraps over the course of her career. In her statement, she did not mention Trump by name and kept her focus on unifying the country – still, Underwood’s decision to publicly align with Trump is a big statement for any star, particularly one as private as the singer.

    Historically, Hollywood has always been closely associated with the Democratic Party, but country stars have always been an outlier, leaning more conservative. In recent years, as new singers join the genre, country music has gotten to be more progressive. This past election cycle, country stars like Mickey Guyton and Maren Morris stood with Vice President Kamala Harris.

  9. Understanding Hop Exchange
    Hop Exchange is a groundbreaking platform designed to simplify the process of transferring cryptocurrencies across multiple blockchains. This guide will explore its functionality, benefits, and how you can make the most of its features.
    hop exchange
    What is Hop Exchange?
    Hop Exchange is a decentralized protocol that facilitates efficient and cost-effective cross-chain cryptocurrency transfers. It aims to solve the challenges of interoperability between blockchain networks, enabling seamless asset movement without compromising security or incurring high fees.

    Features of Hop Exchange
    Cross-Chain Compatibility: Easily transfer tokens across different blockchain networks.
    Low Transaction Fees: Enjoy minimized expenses compared to traditional bridging solutions.
    High-Speed Transfers: Experience rapid transaction confirmations and settlements.
    Secure Transactions: Rely on advanced security protocols to protect your assets.
    How Does Hop Exchange Work?
    Hop Exchange functions by employing liquidity pools and multi-chain bridges. When a user initiates a cross-chain transfer, the protocol uses these pools to swap assets between the source and destination chains, effectively minimizing transaction times and costs.

    Benefits of Using Hop Exchange
    Seamless Experience: Eliminate the hassle of navigating multiple platforms for asset transfers.
    Cost Savings: Reduce overhead costs associated with traditional exchanges and bridging services.
    Enhanced Security: Leverage advanced cryptographic techniques to safeguard your transactions.
    DeFi Integration: Integrate easily with decentralized finance platforms, broadening your investment opportunities.
    Getting Started with Hop Exchange
    To start using Hop Exchange, follow these simple steps:

    Connect your digital wallet to the Hop Exchange platform.
    Select the source and destination networks for your transfer.
    Input the amount of cryptocurrency you wish to move and authorize the transaction.
    Confirm the transfer and monitor the progress via the platform’s dashboard.
    With Hop Exchange, you can easily navigate the complex landscape of cryptocurrency with a tool that emphasizes efficiency, affordability, and security. Whether you are an individual investor or a business, Hop Exchange offers the flexibility needed to keep pace with the rapidly evolving blockchain ecosystem.

  10. Welcome to Owlto Finance
    Owlto Finance is your ultimate partner for secure and efficient financial solutions. Whether you’re a personal investor or a large-scale business, we have the services that cater to your financial needs.
    owlto bridge
    Why Choose Owlto Finance?
    Choosing the right financial platform is crucial for safeguarding your investments and ensuring growth. Here are some reasons why Owlto Finance stands out:

    Security: Your assets’ safety is our top priority, employing state-of-the-art security measures to protect your finances.
    Efficiency: Our platform is designed for efficiency, ensuring that your transactions are processed seamlessly and quickly.
    User-Friendly Interface: Intuitive and easy to navigate, our platform simplifies your financial management.
    Our Services
    Owlto Finance offers a wide range of services tailored to your specific needs, whether you’re looking to invest, save, or manage your funds better.

    Investment Options: Choose from a variety of investment plans that align with your goals and risk tolerance.
    Savings Accounts: Flexible saving options to grow your money with competitive interest rates.
    Financial Advising: Get expert advice from our team of experienced financial advisors to navigate your financial future.
    Getting Started with Owlto Finance
    Starting your financial journey with Owlto Finance is easy and straightforward:

    Sign Up: Create your account in minutes with our streamlined registration process.
    Customize Your Portfolio: Select from our range of financial products to customize your portfolio according to your needs.
    Monitor and Adjust: Use our tools to track your financial progress and make adjustments as necessary.
    Join Our Community
    At Owlto Finance, you’re not just investing; you’re joining a community of like-minded individuals who value financial freedom and security. Join us today and take control of your financial future.

    For more information, visit our website and start your journey with Owlto Finance now!

  11. Welcome to SushiSwap: Your Gateway to Decentralized Finance
    SushiSwap is a leading decentralized finance (DeFi) platform that allows users to trade cryptocurrencies directly from their digital wallets. Built on top of the Ethereum blockchain, SushiSwap is designed to offer a seamless, trustless, and secure trading experience.
    sushiswap exchange
    Key Features of SushiSwap
    Here’s what sets SushiSwap apart from other decentralized exchanges:

    Swaps: Instantly swap a wide array of tokens without the need for an intermediary.
    Liquidity Pools: Provide liquidity to earn rewards from transaction fees and Sushi tokens.
    Yield Farming: Stake your tokens and earn additional incentives with high returns.
    Governance: Participate in community decision-making processes to shape the future of the platform.
    How to Use SushiSwap
    Follow these steps to get started on SushiSwap:

    Connect Your Wallet: Select a compatible wallet like MetaMask to interact with the platform securely.
    Select Tokens: Choose the cryptocurrencies you wish to swap.
    Confirm Transaction: Review and confirm your transaction details.
    Manage Liquidity: Optionally, add liquidity to pools and earn rewards.
    Why Choose SushiSwap?
    SushiSwap offers numerous advantages for crypto traders:

    Decentralized control ensures your funds are always under your personal control.
    Competitive fees and rewards mechanisms encourage active participation.
    A diverse range of tokens and pairs expands your trading options.
    Join the SushiSwap community now and transform the way you trade using our state-of-the-art platform.

    Stay Informed
    Stay updated with the latest developments and community news by joining SushiSwap’s social media channels and forums. Unlock the potential of decentralized trading today.

  12. Pendle Finance: Unlocking New Opportunities in DeFi
    As the world of decentralized finance (DeFi) continues to evolve, Pendle Finance is at the forefront, offering innovative solutions for yield and trading. This platform has quickly become a go-to resource for individuals looking to maximize their crypto investments.
    pendle finance
    What is Pendle Finance?
    Pendle Finance is a DeFi protocol designed to provide enhanced yield management opportunities by leveraging tokenization of future yield. It allows users to trade tokenized yield, offering flexibility and potential for optimized earnings.

    Key Features
    Yield Tokenization: Convert future yield into tradable assets, enhancing liquidity.
    Yield Trading: Enter and exit yield positions at strategic times to capitalize on market conditions.
    Multi-Chain Support: Access a wide range of DeFi ecosystems through cross-chain functionality.
    Benefits of Using Pendle Finance
    Pendle Finance provides numerous benefits to its users, making it a compelling choice for DeFi enthusiasts and investors:

    Diversified Investment Options: By tokenizing future yields, Pendle offers a variety of strategies to enhance your investment portfolio.
    Market Flexibility: Trade yield tokens freely, allowing for strategic entry and exit points.
    Enhanced Liquidity: Tokenization increases the liquidity of yields, offering more opportunities for dynamic financial strategies.
    How to Get Started with Pendle
    Embarking on your Pendle Finance journey is straightforward. Follow these steps to unlock the potential of yield trading:

    Create an Account: Set up a user account on the Pendle Finance platform.
    Link Your Wallet: Connect your cryptocurrency wallet to seamlessly manage transactions.
    Start Trading: Explore the available yield tokens and start trading to optimize your returns.
    In a rapidly changing financial landscape, Pendle Finance stands out by offering innovative solutions aimed at enhancing investment opportunities. Whether you are a seasoned DeFi user or a newcomer, Pendle provides tools and resources to empower your financial growth. Join the community and start unlocking the potential of your investments today!

  13. What is Lido Finance?
    Lido Finance is a decentralized finance (DeFi) platform that provides simple and efficient solutions for crypto staking. It allows users to stake their digital assets without locking them up, thus maintaining liquidity and flexibility.
    lido finance
    Why Choose Lido Finance?
    Lido Finance provides several benefits to its users:

    Liquidity: Unlike traditional staking, Lido issues liquid tokens that can be traded or used within other DeFi applications.
    Flexibility: Avoid the rigid locking periods that come with typical staking protocols.
    Security: Leverages the security and decentralization inherent in blockchain technology, ensuring your assets are safe.
    How Does It Work?
    Users can stake their assets via Lido’s platform, which then delegates these assets across a set of trusted validators. In return, users receive staked tokens which represent their staked assets and accrue rewards over time.

    Getting Started with Lido Finance
    Follow these steps to begin staking:

    Visit the Lido Finance website and connect your crypto wallet.
    Select the asset you wish to stake, for instance, ETH.
    Enter the amount and execute the transaction.
    Receive staked tokens that represent your staked amount.
    Join the Decentralized Finance Revolution
    With Lido Finance, enjoy the benefits of staking without compromising on liquidity and flexibility. Start today and keep your crypto assets working round the clock.

  14. Unlock Your Financial Potential with Puffer Finance
    In an ever-evolving economic landscape, finding the right financial partner is essential for achieving your investment goals. Puffer Finance stands out as a beacon of innovation and stability, offering a plethora of opportunities to enhance your wealth.
    puffer finance
    Why Choose Puffer Finance?
    Choosing the right financial institution is pivotal in ensuring the security and growth of your investments. Here are compelling reasons to partner with Puffer Finance:

    Innovative Financial Solutions: Puffer Finance provides cutting-edge options tailored to meet diverse investment needs.
    Expert Guidance: Harness the wisdom of experienced finance professionals dedicated to optimizing your portfolio.
    Robust Security Measures: Your investments are well-protected, ensuring peace of mind amidst market fluctuations.
    Services Offered by Puffer Finance
    Puffer Finance prides itself on offering a wide range of services, each designed to cater to specific client needs and financial ambitions. These include:

    1. Investment Management
    Our thorough investment management services provide strategic planning and execution to enhance your portfolio’s performance.

    2. Personal Financial Planning
    Whether you are saving for retirement or planning a major purchase, our personal financial planning services are tailored to help you achieve your ambitions.

    3. Wealth Preservation Strategies
    We offer strategies that not only aim to grow your wealth but also safeguard it against potential risks.

    Getting Started with Puffer Finance
    Embarking on your financial journey with Puffer Finance is a seamless process. Simply to explore how we can help tailor financial strategies to your individual needs. With Puffer Finance, you are not just investing your money; you are investing in a future laden with possibilities.

    Testimonials from Satisfied Clients
    Puffer Finance has been a trusted partner for many satisfied clients:

    „Thanks to Puffer Finance, I have not only grown my wealth but gained confidence in my financial future.” – Alex T.
    „The tailored advice and financial strategies have truly transformed my investment approach.” – Samantha L.
    In conclusion, if your goal is to enhance and secure your financial estate, Puffer Finance provides the tools and expertise to guide you through a prosperous journey.

  15. Welcome to Orbiter: Your Gateway to Financial Innovation
    In the ever-evolving landscape of finance, Orbiter stands out as a pioneering platform dedicated to providing cutting-edge solutions for modern investors. As we navigate the future of digital assets and decentralized finance, Orbiter remains at the forefront, committed to innovation and accessibility.
    orbiter finance
    Why Choose Orbiter?
    Orbiter offers unique advantages that set it apart in the financial world:

    Decentralized Solutions: Benefit from a trustless environment where transactions are secure and transparent.
    Innovative Technologies: Leverage groundbreaking technologies, designed to maximize efficiency and utility.
    Community Driven: Engage with a global community that supports and uplifts each other in the financial journey.
    Key Features of Orbiter
    Orbiter’s platform is rich with features tailored to both new and experienced investors.

    1. Smart Investments
    Utilize intelligent tools that enable you to optimize your investment strategies. Orbiter’s algorithms are crafted to pinpoint opportunities in both volatile and stable markets.

    2. Secure Transactions
    Enjoy peace of mind with Orbiter’s advanced security measures. Our platform ensures that each transaction is protected through top-tier encryption and blockchain technology.

    3. User-Friendly Interface
    Navigate with ease! Our user-friendly design ensures accessibility for everyone, from beginners to seasoned traders.

    Join the Orbiter Community
    By joining Orbiter, you’re becoming part of a larger movement towards decentralized and democratized finance. Share insights, learn from peers, and grow your financial acumen in the company of like-minded individuals.

    Ready to explore the future of finance? Let Orbiter guide your journey towards smarter, more secure, and lucrative investments. Join us today and revolutionize how you approach financial management.

  16. Getting Started with Quickswap
    Quickswap is revolutionizing the way we trade cryptocurrencies by offering a decentralized platform for seamless crypto trading. As a user-friendly decentralized exchange (DEX), Quickswap allows users to swap tokens effortlessly without the need for intermediaries. Here’s a detailed guide to getting started with Quickswap.
    quickswap polygon
    What is Quickswap?
    Quickswap is a layer-2 decentralized exchange built on the Polygon network, which is known for its high-speed and low-cost transactions. This platform provides an efficient and secure way to trade a wide range of cryptocurrencies without enduring hefty fees typical of Ethereum-based DEXes.

    Why Use Quickswap?
    Low Fees: Thanks to the Polygon network, trading on Quickswap is significantly cheaper than on Ethereum-based platforms.
    High Speed: Experience fast transaction speeds that enhance user experience and trading efficiency.
    User-Friendly Interface: Quickswap’s interface is designed to be intuitive, even for beginners, making it easy to trade cryptocurrencies.
    How to Use Quickswap
    Set Up a Crypto Wallet: You’ll need a compatible wallet like MetaMask or Trust Wallet. Ensure it’s connected to the Polygon network.
    Fund Your Wallet: Purchase or transfer tokens into your wallet for trading.
    Visit Quickswap Platform: Navigate to the Quickswap website and connect your wallet. This step is essential to access all features of the platform.
    Start Trading: Select the tokens you want to swap. With its simple interface, you can execute trades in just a few clicks.
    Tips for Effective Trading on Quickswap
    To make the most out of your trading experience on Quickswap, consider these tips:

    Keep an eye on the market trends and choose the right time for your trades.
    Understand the token pairs and their liquidity status to avoid high slippage.
    Regularly update your wallet and security settings to protect your assets.
    Quickswap offers a robust platform for trading a wide range of cryptocurrencies efficiently. By leveraging the benefits of the Polygon network, it minimizes delays and costs associated with traditional crypto trading. Whether you’re a beginner or a seasoned trader, Quickswap empowers you to navigate the DeFi space with ease and confidence.

  17. Welcome to dYdX: The Future of Decentralized Trading
    dYdX is a leading decentralized exchange (DEX) platform designed specifically for perpetual trading. Powered by a unique layer 2 solution, it offers zero gas fees and high-speed transactions, ideal for traders looking to maximize efficiency and minimize costs.
    dydx exchange
    Why Choose dYdX?
    Fully Decentralized: Enjoy complete control over your funds and trades with no third-party intervention.
    No Gas Fees: Thanks to our layer 2 integration, trade without worrying about expensive gas fees.
    Advanced Features: Utilize advanced trading features like cross-margining and isolated margin accounts to optimize your strategies.
    Getting Started with dYdX
    To start trading on dYdX, simply connect your wallet and begin trading a wide range of perpetual contracts. Our ensures that both novice and experienced traders can navigate and execute trades with ease.

    Trade Perpetual Contracts with Confidence
    Perpetual contracts are a powerful trading tool that allows you to speculate on the future price movements of a variety of cryptocurrencies without owning the underlying asset. With dYdX, you can:

    Leverage Up to 20x: Enhance your trading potential with leverage options tailored to your risk tolerance.
    Variety of Pairs: Trade a diverse selection of cryptocurrency pairs across multiple markets.
    Security at dYdX
    Your security is paramount at dYdX. Our platform employs state-of-the-art security measures to protect your assets and data, ensuring peace of mind with every trade you make.

    Join the dYdX Community
    Join a global community of traders who are revolutionizing the way decentralized finance operates. Stay updated and connected through our social media channels and community forums.

    Note: Always conduct thorough research and consider your risk tolerance before engaging in cryptocurrency transactions.

  18. Welcome to Karak: Pioneering Blockchain Solutions
    The world of blockchain is evolving rapidly, and Karak is at the forefront of this revolution. Whether you are a developer, an investor, or merely a tech enthusiast, Karak offers a unique blend of innovative solutions designed to meet the diverse needs of the blockchain community.
    karak network
    What is Karak?
    is a sophisticated blockchain platform engineered to provide cutting-edge solutions that streamline processes and enhance efficiency. With a focus on decentralization, security, and speed, Karak integrates seamlessly with existing technologies to deliver a scalable blockchain experience.

    Key Features of Karak
    One of the standout aspects of Karak is its comprehensive suite of features aimed at solving complex blockchain issues.

    Scalability: Karak’s architecture is designed to handle a high volume of transactions without compromising performance.
    Security: Robust security protocols ensure the integrity and confidentiality of data across all network points.
    Interoperability: Seamlessly integrates with various blockchain networks, fostering collaboration and innovation.
    User-Friendly Interface: Intuitive design that caters to both professionals and novices in the blockchain space.
    Why Choose Karak?
    Choosing Karak is choosing a future-proof solution. Its dedicated team of developers and blockchain experts continually work to enhance the platform, ensuring it meets the present and future demands of its users.

    The benefits of using Karak include:

    Access to a rapidly growing ecosystem that supports a vast array of applications.
    A commitment to transparency and community-driven development.
    Dynamic support systems that help users navigate and maximize platform capabilities.
    Get Started with Karak
    Jump into the world of digital transformation with Karak today. Visit to explore the platform and stay ahead in the dynamic blockchain landscape.

    For more information, updates, and support, sign up for the Karak newsletter and become a part of the innovation that is reshaping the future of blockchain.

  19. Maximize Your Crypto Trading with ParaSwap
    If you’re looking to enhance your cryptocurrency trading experience, it’s time to explore ParaSwap. This innovative platform serves as a decentralized exchange aggregator, giving you the best deals on the market.
    What is ParaSwap?
    ParaSwap is a cutting-edge platform that aggregates the best prices from various decentralized exchanges. It provides users with the most efficient path to execute their trades by considering factors like price impact and gas fees.

    How Does ParaSwap Work?
    ParaSwap functions by connecting directly to multiple liquidity sources. It then simplifies the process of trading across different platforms by bringing the best rates to users all in one place. This means that you don’t have to hop between multiple exchanges—you can find everything you need through ParaSwap.

    Benefits of Using ParaSwap
    Competitive Rates: ParaSwap offers some of the best rates by aggregating prices from various platforms.
    Efficiency: Trade execution is designed to be quick and reliable.
    Transparency: Get clear insights into your trades with detailed transaction information.
    Why Choose ParaSwap?
    Choosing ParaSwap means straightforward, efficient crypto trading. Whether you’re a seasoned trader or new to the crypto space, having a tool like ParaSwap can enhance your trading strategy by ensuring you’re always accessing the best available prices.

    Getting Started
    To start trading with ParaSwap, simply connect your crypto wallet, input the details of your trade, and let ParaSwap find the best route for your transaction. It’s that simple!

    Maximize your trading potential by leveraging the power of ParaSwap. With its aggregated approach to finding the best prices, efficiency, and transparency, ParaSwap stands out as a leading choice for cryptocurrency traders.

  20. Welcome to Extra Finance
    At Extra Finance, we believe in empowering individuals and businesses with the tools they need to manage their finances more effectively. Whether you are looking to save smarter, invest wisely, or simply manage your expenses better, Extra Finance offers a range of solutions to help you achieve your goals.
    extra finance
    Why Choose Extra Finance?
    Extra Finance stands out for its commitment to customer satisfaction and cutting-edge financial tools. Here are a few reasons why you should consider us:

    Comprehensive Financial Solutions: From personal savings plans to business investment opportunities, we cover a wide spectrum of financial needs.
    User-Friendly Platform: Navigate through your financial options with ease thanks to our intuitive and straightforward interface.
    Expert Guidance: Our team of experienced financial advisors is always ready to assist you in making the best financial decisions.
    Services Offered by Extra Finance
    Extra Finance is committed to providing a diverse range of services that cater to different financial needs:

    Personal Finance Management: Tools and advice to help individuals manage their personal finances, set budgets, and save for the future.
    Investment Solutions: Personalized investment portfolios to help you grow your wealth according to your financial objectives.
    Loan Products: Flexible and competitive loans tailored to meet your needs.
    Retirement Planning: Strategic planning services to ensure your retirement is financially secure and comfortable.
    Getting Started with Extra Finance
    To join Extra Finance, simply create an account on our platform and begin exploring the numerous financial opportunities available to you. With just a few clicks, you can take control of your financial future.

    Remember, financial success is not just about making the right decisions today but about planning for tomorrow. Let Extra Finance be your partner on this journey to financial freedom!

  21. Carrie Underwood slated to perform at Trump’s inauguration
    кракен даркнет
    Country music star Carrie Underwood is slated to perform “America the Beautiful” at President-elect Donald Trump’s inauguration, according to a copy of the program obtained by CNN and confirmed by a spokesperson for the inaugural committee.

    “I love our country and am honored to have been asked to sing at the Inauguration and to be a small part of this historic event,” Underwood said in a statement to CNN. “I am humbled to answer the call at a time when we must all come together in the spirit of unity and looking to the future.”

    The presidential oath of office will be administered by Supreme Court Chief Justice John Roberts with Justice Brett Kavanaugh expected to administer the oath of office to Vice President-elect JD Vance.

    Trump’s inauguration as the 47th president of the United States will take place on January 20 at the US Capitol.

    Underwood is a big get for Trump’s inauguration, considering Hollywood’s Trump blackout over the course of his political career.

    In his first term and throughout the past three elections, Trump has struggled to garner support from major Hollywood stars. At the Republican National Convention last year, the two biggest stars onstage with Trump were musician Kid Rock and retired WWE wrestler Hulk Hogan – a far cry from a superstar at the height of their career, like Underwood.

    The Grammy-winning artist is as high-profile as you can get in country music, not only with numerous platinum hits, but also with public-facing, mainstream business associations. Underwood is the face of Sunday Night Football and is set to make her debut this March as a judge on ABC’s “American Idol” – the singing competition show that catapulted her to fame when she won in 2005.

    While many NFL fans will likely applaud Underwood for singing at the inauguration, any time a celebrity aligns themselves with Trump, they run the risk of alienating left-leaning fans and Hollywood allies.

    Underwood has kept her politics under wraps over the course of her career. In her statement, she did not mention Trump by name and kept her focus on unifying the country – still, Underwood’s decision to publicly align with Trump is a big statement for any star, particularly one as private as the singer.

    Historically, Hollywood has always been closely associated with the Democratic Party, but country stars have always been an outlier, leaning more conservative. In recent years, as new singers join the genre, country music has gotten to be more progressive. This past election cycle, country stars like Mickey Guyton and Maren Morris stood with Vice President Kamala Harris.

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